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Request a Repair

Get gas detector repair services from our expert technicians.

Please complete the following steps to start your gas detector repair:

  1. Complete the repair form below. Refer to any Industrial Scientific invoice to find your ISC Account Number.
  2. Print your confirmation email to include with your return shipment.
  3. Package your items that need repairs, including your printed confirmation.
  4. Ship your package to the repair center listed in your confirmation email.


  • Review the lithium battery shipping restrictions at the bottom of the form, including DOT and IATA labeling guidelines.
  • Do not ship any items that may be considered hazardous or contaminated (e.g., biological, chemical, physical, or radiological substances).
  • This repair service is intended for customer-owned equipment. DO NOT use this form to return iNet® Exchange or rental equipment.

iNet® Exchange Can Replace Your Maintenance Program

Want repairs even faster? iNet Exchange automates the maintenance and repair process
so you can cut downtime, paperwork, and unexpected expenses.


Monitors are reviewed for performance every time you dock them.

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iNet Exchange identifies anything that needs to be replaced before it fails.

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We automatically deliver it right to your front door.